For the love of Land Rovers

So this is something that Hayden has known about forever, but I’d managed to convince him not to get too excited as ‘we’ll be well gone by then’. Not so much.
It is Land Rover heaven. Every type of Land Rover vehicle you can imagine (and a couple of jeeps) come to Billing. With the Land Rovers come their very interesting owners. I have seen an array of beards, moustaches, beer bellies and tattoos. I have seen Romany Gypsies, city slickers, intrepid explorers and even the occasional Emo Land Rover owner. There was even one guy with the bumper sticker ‘mud slut-hits every dirty hole ‘. I’m sure he’s a nice bloke, deep down. It appears that the love of Land Rovers has no boundaries, the young and the old alike converge at Billing with the sole purpose of having a good time and gawking at Land Rovers (and showing off their best camping set up). The place is full of people buying parts and instantly fitting them, possible the only camping ground in the UK where using a grinder in the early evening is not only acceptable, but draws a crowd of willing and helpful hands!
We met expedition vehicles and gained valuable advice and recommendations (thanks Lizzybus). We met a Russian couple who drove their Land Rover all the way from Russia. Hayden asked them about the driving conditions in Russia, and was given the simple answer of “yes, yes, yes, driving OK, no problem, all good”. Hayden was satisfied, but I can’t help but think, of course it’s OK, if you are actually Russian!
To top it all off, the kind gentleman camping next door, who was from the military police, gave us an official army ration pack which provided not only sustenance, but excitement and entertainment each time we reached into the box! And finally, our first taste of Land Rover traveller hospitality – a safe garden in Belgium in which to park Maggie and sleep, and to to dine on a dinner of “moules et frites and fine Belgian beer”.
My biggest learning curve from the weekend has had nothing to do with Land Rovers, but that I must take more photos!!!

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